Kindernothilfe Luxembourg. Providing effective aid!


Kindernothilfe Luxembourg a.s.b.l.
15, rue Eecherschmelz
L-1481 Luxembourg
Tel.: +352- 27048777

This page provides you with an overview of information about Kindernothilfe and legal information about our website.

Kindernothilfe Luxembourg asbl is registered with the Luxembourg Trade and Companies Register (Registre de Commerce et des Sociétés) under the number R.C.S. F 7969 and is subject to its statutes and the amended law of April 21, 1928 on non-profit companies and foundations, as amended.

Kindernothilfe has committed itself to the VENRO Code of Conduct "Development-Related Public Relations". It is a binding standard for development-related communication that is transparent and comprehensible to the public and to which this website is also subject. You can download the code and the associated manual here.


Executive Board of Kindernothilfe Luxembourg
Thomas Henkels, Chairman of the Executive Board
Claude Hans, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board
Carsten Montag, Board member

Director Kindernothilfe Luxembourg
Patrick Reinert

Webmaster Kindernothilfe Luxembourg
Kristine Weyland-Solf, Communication & Marketing

Macaw Netzkern GmbH
Sitecore Certified Solution Partner

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