Kindernothilfe Luxembourg. Providing effective aid!

Privacy policy

The protection of personal data is important to Kindernothilfe Luxembourg. Consequently, Kindernothilfe Luxembourg conducts its activities in accordance with the applicable legislation vis-à-vis the protection of personal data. Data protection at Kindernothilfe Luxembourg takes particular account of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

I. General
II. Encryption
III. Access log
IV. Cookies
V. Third-party advertising
VI. Operator’s webforms
VII. Social networks
IX. Tracking tags and tracking pixels
X. Embedded media content
XI. Legal basis
XII. Your rights

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I. General

The operator of this website is:
Association: Kindernothilfe Luxembourg asbl
15, rue Eecherschmelz
L-1481 Luxembourg

Please see the imprint for further contact details. As the operator, the association bears responsibility for data processing on the website: (platform).

Data protection officer for Kindernothilfe Luxembourg:
Mr. Patrick Reinert
Telefon: +352 2704 8777

Regulatory authority:
15 Bd du Jazz
L-4270 Senem

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II. Encryption

This site uses an encrypted connection for security purposes and to protect the transmission of confidential content. You can identify this by the fact that the address line of the browser begins with “https://” and that the lock symbol in your browser line is closed. 
Internet pages using the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) are transmitted with https – a communication protocol on the World Wide Web enabling the secure transmission of data.

The meaning of SSL:
Your data is transmitted using the encryption method “SSL” (Secure Sockets Layer) and is, thereby, protected against misuse and unwanted access. SSL is used especially by banks. We use it for the webforms on our website.

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III. Access log

To ensure the security and viability of our platform (e.g. providing defence against attacks), an access log (log file) is created on the operator’s servers. This log stores data vis-à-vis access to the platform. This relates to the data that is transmitted when your browser establishes a connection with the platform. This specifically includes: your IP address, when you accessed the platform, which address (URL) was accessed, whether access was successful and the volume of data transferred from the server. Insofar as your browser has transmitted the respective data, the previous address (referrer) and information about your operating system and browser (e.g. which version) will also be stored. You can prevent the transmission of this data by altering your browser settings accordingly. The log files are deleted at regular intervals – at the very latest, after one week. Prior to deletion, log files may be statistically evaluated. This logged data is stored separately from the other data that you leave on the platform and there is no intermingling of the two. This data will not be passed on to third parties or be used for any other purpose. The statistical evaluation of log files does not enable you to be identified.

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IV. Cookies

The platform uses so-called “cookies”. These are small text files or simple entries in a database, stored by you browser. The data in the cookies can only be read by the platform that stored them. Cookies are used to make Internet pages both more user-friendly and safer. Cookies that include personal data are only stored or read via an encrypted connection. Above all, the platform uses session cookies, which can be used, for example, to ensure that no other user can access the data you may have entered in a webform. Session cookies are deleted after you leave the platform, for example when you close your browser. Any data provided will not be processed for any other purpose and will not be passed on to third parties. The cookies used by the platform do not cause any damage to your end device (e.g. computer/tablet) and, most importantly, contain no viruses. You can prevent the storage of cookies by changing your browser settings accordingly; by doing so, however, you may no longer be able to use the full range of platform functions. The same applies to the erasure of stored cookies.

Donate your cookies to us! We use cookie-based web tracking to optimise our website performance and further improve your personal user experience, e.g. by showing more content tailored to your interests. Cookies also enable us to have increased cost-effective management of our fundraising activities and attract new supporters to our work. We need your consent to do this. You can adjust your cookie settings at any time, now or in the future.
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V. Third-party advertising

1. Remarketing tags from the social network Facebook
Remarketing tags from the social network, Facebook (Facebook Inc.), are integrated into our website. When you visit our pages, a direct connection is created via these remarketing tags between your browser and the Facebook server. Through this, Facebook receives information that you have used your IP address to access our site. This allows Facebook to attribute your visit to our site with your user account. We can use the resulting information to display Facebook ads. We must stress that, as provider of these pages, we have no knowledge of the content of the data transmitted or how Facebook uses it. Further information can be found in Facebook’s privacy policy at If you do not want data to be collected through Custom Audiences, you can deactivate Custom Audiences here. .

2. Advertising from the B2B Media Group EMEA GmbH.
This platform uses B2B.IQ, a service facilitating the integration of ads from the B2B Media Group EMEA GmbH (“B2BMG”). B2B.IQ uses “cookies”, text files stored on the user’s computer, enabling an analysis of the use of the website. B2B.IQ also uses “web beacons” (invisible graphics). These web beacons can be used to evaluate information such as visitor traffic on the pages of this platform. The information generated by cookies and web beacons vis-à-vis the use of this website and the delivery of advertising formats is transmitted to, and stored on, a B2BMG server in Germany. This information can be passed on by B2BMG to its contract partners. Users can prevent the installation of cookies by changing their browser settings accordingly; however, the provider must stress to users that they will, thereby, no longer be able to use the full range of platform functions. By using this website, users assent to the processing of data collected about them by B2BMG in the manner, and for the purposes, set out above.

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VI. Operator’s webforms

In the course of an order, donation, job application, newsletter registration or when simply contacting us, the operator processes the personal data you entered in the relevant online form. When filling out these webforms, data only has to be entered in the fields that are mandatory. No other data is required in order to use the form. The required data includes contact information such as name, address, telephone number and email address. Personal data is collected in accordance with the principle of data economy, i.e. no more data is collected than is required for the purpose concerned.
We process and store your personal data solely for the time it takes to complete the processing purpose: After that, the data is, in essence, deleted. However, deletion is not possible as long as the storage of that data is still required for the contract to be completed, for verification purposes or insofar as there is a legal obligation to retain it. Donor data must be stored for ten years. The data of job applicants will be deleted after six months, at the latest, unless the applicant has consented to prolonged storage. However, until it is deleted, the processing of that data will be restricted.

1. Contact through the webform
If you contact the operator through an online contact form, the data you provide will be sent in encrypted form by email via the server to the operator. This could be a request, your name, email address or other contact details. Any further automated processing of your personal data does not take place. The data will only be used to process your request. A response is usually issued by email – also transmitted in encrypted form – provided your email provider supports this. The same applies if, instead of using a contact form to contact the operator, you send an email to an address given on the platform. After the request has been fully processed, the personal data you provided in the contact form or in an email to the operator will be deleted. This does not apply where the data is still required: to process the transaction, for verification purposes or where statutory retention requirements apply; up to that point, however, any processing of your data will be restricted.

2. Payment service provider

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VII. Social networks

The platform facilitates the creation of connections to social networks operated by third parties. For example, to share the platform – or the posts on it – within the respective network (e.g. “share”, “retweet” or “like” something). However, such connections are initiated only after you have clicked on the button for the respective network on the platform. Because of the processing of personal data by social networks, over which the operator has no influence, reference is made to the privacy policy of the provider concerned:

1. Facebook (Facebook Ireland Limited, Ireland):

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IX. Tracking tags and tracking pixels

1. Google tag manager

The website makes use of Google Tag Manager, a service allowing website tags to be managed via an interface. Google Tag Manager only implements tags. No cookies are set and no personal data collected. Google Tag Manager triggers other tags that may collect data, which are not accessed by Google Tag Manager. If deactivation has been carried out at domain or cookie level, this remains in place for all tracking tags, insofar as these are implemented with Google Tag Manager. More information about Google Tag Manager is available at:
You can revoke your consent here at any time by changing your cookie settings.

2. Facebook plugins (“like” & “share” buttons)

Plugins from the social network Facebook – provider: Facebook Ireland Limited, 4 Grand Canal Square, Dublin 2, Ireland – are incorporated into our website. You can identify Facebook plugins through the Facebook logo or the “like” button on our website.

An overview of Facebook plugins is available here:

When you visit our pages, a direct connection is created between your browser and the Facebook server via the plugin. Facebook is informed that you, through your IP address, have visited our site. If you click on the Facebook “like” button while you are logged into your Facebook account, you can link the content of our pages to your Facebook profile. This allows Facebook to correlate your visit to our site with your user account. We must stress, here, that we, as provider of these pages, have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or how Facebook uses that data. Further information is available in Facebook’s privacy policy at:

If you do not want Facebook to be able to correlate your visit to our site with your Facebook user account, you should log out of your Facebook user account.

3. Twitter plugin

Functions of the Twitter social networking service are incorporated into the pages of our website. These features are provided by Twitter International Company, 1 Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07 IRELAND.

By using Twitter and the “retweet” function, the websites you visit are linked to your Twitter account and disclosed to other users. This data is also transmitted to Twitter. We must stress, here, that we, as provider of these pages, have no knowledge of the content of the transmitted data or how Twitter uses that data. Further information is available in Twitter’s privacy policy at:

You can change your privacy settings on Twitter in the account settings at:

4. Use of the The Trade Desk’s retargeting technology

Our website uses retargeting technology from The Trade Desk Inc., 42 N. Chestnut Street Ventura, California 93001 United States (“The Trade Desk”). This purpose of this feature is to present personalised ads to visitors of the website based on his/her interests within the scope of The Trade Desk advertising network. The website visitor’s browser stores “cookies” – text files stored on the visitor’s computer to enable it to recognise the visitor when he/she visits websites that are part of The Trade Desk advertising network. These pages may then present ads to the visitor that are related to content previously viewed by the visitor on websites using The Trade Desk’s retargeting technology. The Trade Desk acknowledges the fact that it collects pseudonymised data during this process.

Your consent acts as the legal basis for the data agreement.
You can revoke your consent at any time with effect for the future, by changing the relevant setting in our cookie consent tool.

Further information about The Trade Desk’s retargeting technology, The Trade Desk’s privacy policy and opt-out options is available at:

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IX. Embedded media content

The platform, in some cases, embeds content from YouTube (online videos).
Our website uses plugins from the Google-operated YouTube site. The site operator is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin 4, Ireland, Tel: +353 1 543 1000, Fax: +353 1 686 5660, Email: (“Google” or, synonymously, “YouTube”).

We have integrated this service through a two-click solution. A connection to Google’s servers is only created when you click on the corresponding placeholder. To view a video via YouTube, a connection to the YouTube servers is established. The YouTube server is notified about which of our pages you have visited. If you are logged into your YouTube account, you are enabling YouTube to connect your surfing behaviour directly to your personal profile. You can prevent this by logging out of your YouTube account.

Further information on handling user data can be found in Google’s privacy policy at: 

YouTube is used to make the presentation of our online services more attractive. Your consent serves as the legal basis, which you express by clicking on the relevant placeholder.

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X. Legal basis

The legislative provisions for data protection are based primarily on the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG), the regulation of the Luxembourg Data Protection Act, and the Electronic Communications Act. However, since 25th of May 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has taken precedence. If you have given your explicit consent to the processing of your data, the GDPR also forms the legal basis for data processing for the purposes, to which you have consented (Article 6 (1) (a) GDPR). This can apply, in particular, with respect to newsletter registration. Insofar as the processing is necessary for the completion or initiation of a contract, the GDPR also acts as the legal basis (Article 6 (1) (b)). This relates to contracts that are concluded via the platform or initiated at your request. Apart from this, the legal basis for data processing is the protection of the legitimate interests of the operator (Article 6 (1) (f) GDPR) vis-à-vis the economic and non-material interest in operating the platform, especially with respect to collecting donations for charitable purposes. There is no automated decision-making, including profiling, within the sense of Article 22 of the GDPR.
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XI. Your rights

If you are affected by the processing of your personal data, you have rights under the data protection regulations with respect to whoever is responsible for processing that data. You can get in touch with the operator at any time to assert these rights, for example by email to the address given above. The same applies to other questions relating to the operator’s data protection. These laws include the following rights, to which you are entitled:

1. Right of revocation

In accordance with Article 13 Paragraph 1 of the DSG (Data Protection Act 2019), you have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data. This applies, above all, to an objection to data processing for direct advertising purposes.

2. Right to object

In accordance with Article 8 of the DSG, you have the right to demand information from the operator. In addition to further information, most of which is outlined in this declaration, this right to information includes, in particular, the right to obtain a copy of your personal data, which is the subject of the processing.

3. Right to rectification

In accordance with Article 5 Paragraph 2 of the DSG, you have the right to demand that the operator immediately corrects any personal data that is incorrect. Taking account of the purposes of the processing, you also have the right to request that appropriate additions are made to incomplete personal data – also by means of a supplementary declaration.

4. Right to erasure (“right to be forgotten”)

In accordance with Article 15 Paragraph 1 of the DSG, you have the right to demand that the operator takes appropriate measures to erase your personal data. Insofar as the data does not have to be subsequently erased, you can demand restrictions to any further processing. The right to erasure includes what is known as the “right to be forgotten”.
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Please note that this privacy policy applies solely to the website of Kindernothilfe Luxembourg. It is highly likely that other internet platforms, including those that can be accessed via links from our website, are subject to different regulations. Where required, please contact the providers concerned for information regarding their current data protection regulations.

This private policy was last updated on the 1st of January 2023.
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