Kindernothilfe Luxembourg. Providing effective aid!

Getting involved: Your active commitment to Kindernothilfe Luxembourg

Ehrenamtliches Engagement  (Photo: Kindernothilfe)
Ehrenamtliches Engagement  (Photo: Kindernothilfe)

The work of Kindernothilfe Luxembourg thrives on the commitment of our volunteers. Anyone can play their part: young and old, on your own or as part of a team, investing more, or less, time. You are welcome to join us at any time!

If a lot of small people...

... in a lot of small places do a lot of small things, they can change the face of the world!

This African saying speaks volumes: changing something does not necessarily require a professionally planned campaign. It is often the little things that have the biggest impact.

Whether you are selling merchandise at a Christmas market for the benefit of Kindernothilfe Luxembourg, raising our online profile or are interested in a year-round commitment: we are seeking specialists for specific issues as well as all-rounders.

Are you good with your hands or have helpful organisational skills? Or do you have useful contacts (working, for example, in administration or a church parish, business people, etc.), with, and through, whom you can raise the profile of the work of Kindernothilfe Luxembourg?

How you can support our work

There are many ways you can work with us to support children and young people in need in the world’s poorest countries.

For example by:

  • selling bric-a-brac at a flea market and donating the proceeds to a cause that means a lot to you
  • helping out at events
  • helping us with the translation of texts
  • supporting the administrative work in our office
  • laying out flyers and brochures about our work in doctor’s waiting rooms, pharmacies, law firms or other public places. 

If you have the time and inclination to support us: please feel free to get in touch with us. We will be grateful for any help you can provide!


Becoming a trainee with Kindernothilfe Luxembourg

We regularly recruit unpaid trainees, who support our work and at the same time have the opportunity to gain valuable professional experience. If you are interested, please send us an application on your own initiative. Further information on traineeships with Kindernothilfe Luxembourg can be found here.
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An internship with Kindernothilfe Luxembourg

An opportunity to gain valuable work experience

Gain a first-hand insight into the work of a humanitarian aid organisation, pick up valuable work experience and use it to help children in need

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An internship with Kindernothilfe Luxembourg

An opportunity to gain valuable work experience

Gain a first-hand insight into the work of a humanitarian aid organisation, pick up valuable work experience and use it to help children in need

Find out more

Would you like to volunteer? Please feel free to contact us:

Eva Kutina

Donor service and office assistance

2704 - 8777