Our project covers an area in Central Province, where patriarchal structures and such harmful practices as child marriage and teenage pregnancy are widespread. The project supports more than 4,000 girls and boys in 15 schools. We work closely with schools, government authorities and traditional leaders. Together, we develop solutions to help government efforts to combat child marriage and early pregnancy and reduce school dropout rates. Our goal is to make schools safe places, where girls can learn without fear of violence or discrimination. We also ensure that sufficient clean drinking water is available in schools.
Education protects girls
The schools have “children’s rights clubs”, in which we raise teenagers’ awareness of their rights, show them how to prevent harmful practices and encourage them to exercise their right to an education. They learn what to do and who to turn to when they, or others, are affected by abuse, early marriage or early pregnancy. By organising days of action, producing radio broadcasts and providing information material, we raise awareness of children’s rights and the negative consequences of harmful practices and dropping out of school. Alongside our awareness raising and preventive work, we are committed to child protection: our goal is to reinforce local child protection laws as a means of promoting the rights and well-being of disadvantaged children and young people in the long term.
How we help victims of abuse
We support girls, who have already been forced into early marriage, are pregnant or subjected to other harmful practices, through advice and direct help. We also offer help and advice to families: life counselling and careers advice, life skills training, arranging state support and financial help for school fees and economic support (e.g. providing animals for breeding) to make it easier for girls to reintegrate into school. This support, together with the sale of young animals, enables affected families to finance girls’ schooling and escape the spiral of poverty.