We ensure that communities and schools have clean water! Through our project in M'mbelwa, in Northern Malawi, we are supporting 20 communities and 20 state-run schools by providing local access to clean water and toilet facilities. The target group consists of 17,000 people, including 8,000 children, predominantly from families living below the poverty line. The project area also has a dearth of sanitary facilities – circumstances we want to change with the help of your donation.
We support the construction of wells and latrines at 20 schools in the region to enable children to have access to clean drinking water at all times, to remain healthy and concentrate on their schooling. We are also setting up “WASH Clubs” (WASH: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene) in schools to provide information, raise awareness and ensure suitable hygiene measures are in place.
Mothers meet in groups to learn how to make durable, washable sanitary pads made from locally sourced materials. They then distribute them to girls attending the 20 schools in our project region, to ensure that the girls no longer have to miss classes.
In an all-embracing approach, we also support child development at community level by expanding childcare and child protection. The quality of early childhood education is enhanced through improved teacher training and raising their awareness of the importance of early childhood education. We are setting up a total of 20 “children’s corners”, which, in the afternoons, provide after school day-care for children between the ages of 6 and 13. The children have access to a mixture of leisure activities and receive educational support in the form of homework supervision. We train the educators required, to ensure the children receive appropriate, quality care.