Statutes of Kindernothilfe Luxembourg
The Association, Kindernothilfe Luxembourg asbl, was registered under the number R.C.S. Luxembourg F 7969 with the Luxembourg commercial register. It is subject to its statutes and the amended law of 21st April 1928 governing non-profit companies and foundations, in its respective valid version.
Our purpose is to contribute to the sustainable improvement of the living situation of children and young people in need, regardless of gender, race or religion.
To this end, measures are to be taken to support children and young people, as well as their immediate social and regional context, within the scope of holistic development co-operation. For these purposes, financial resources are to be acquired in order to fund appropriate aid projects.
Since children are usually particularly affected by disasters, the Association is also involved in the delivery of humanitarian aid.
The Association seeks to stimulate compassion and a sense of responsibility within Luxembourg society for the plight of children and young people and is actively involved in development-related education and public relations work.
The principles of participation and help for self-help as well as compliance with children’s rights constitute an important basis for the activities of Kindernothilfe Luxembourg.
The statutes of Kindernothilfe Luxembourg are available here.
Our purpose is to contribute to the sustainable improvement of the living situation of children and young people in need, regardless of gender, race or religion.
To this end, measures are to be taken to support children and young people, as well as their immediate social and regional context, within the scope of holistic development co-operation. For these purposes, financial resources are to be acquired in order to fund appropriate aid projects.
Since children are usually particularly affected by disasters, the Association is also involved in the delivery of humanitarian aid.
The Association seeks to stimulate compassion and a sense of responsibility within Luxembourg society for the plight of children and young people and is actively involved in development-related education and public relations work.
The principles of participation and help for self-help as well as compliance with children’s rights constitute an important basis for the activities of Kindernothilfe Luxembourg.
The statutes of Kindernothilfe Luxembourg are available here.
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